Wednesday 22 September 2021

Epitaph Poems

 jody mody ate a big bogey

then she turned green 

and pood a big bogey

but it was actually all her guts

Hody Cody had too many kids 

so her house was a mess 

then she ate too much

pigs Now she dead

for this week we are learning about poetry yesterday we did acrostic poems Epitaph poems are usually used on grave stones and tell people how they died. 

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Thursday 9 September 2021

back to school lockdown post


hey, today we had to do a lockdown post for back to school and it said how we feel for being back to school and we had other stuff to fill out too like what we did and where we went and what was your favorite  part about lockdown the end Bye