Monday 6 December 2021

voyage food list


for the last 2 weeks, we have been teaching takutai how to blog and  sighing them up to mania Kalani  today we did a blog post of the voyage and we had to make a food list for 3 weeks

Friday 19 November 2021

Friday 29 October 2021

my fish


for a cyber smart challenge, we had to make fish how we made it was you had to collect your shapes and put them together collor them remove the lines and group it I thought it was quite easy and I would definitely recommend doing it  again

my fish

for a cyber smart challenge, we had to make fish how we made it was you had to collect your shapes and put them together collor them remove the lines and group it I thought it was quite easy and I would recommend doing it again

my home made muesli

 Honey, dairy-free yogurt, oats, almonds, almond milk, blueberries, cranberries, chia seeds, and sesame seeds.

hi today we tried some of our teacher muesli so we had to make our own muesli

my muesli ingredients up above

Miss Farr's homemade muesli

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Epitaph Poems

 jody mody ate a big bogey

then she turned green 

and pood a big bogey

but it was actually all her guts

Hody Cody had too many kids 

so her house was a mess 

then she ate too much

pigs Now she dead

for this week we are learning about poetry yesterday we did acrostic poems Epitaph poems are usually used on grave stones and tell people how they died. 

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Thursday 9 September 2021

back to school lockdown post


hey, today we had to do a lockdown post for back to school and it said how we feel for being back to school and we had other stuff to fill out too like what we did and where we went and what was your favorite  part about lockdown the end Bye 

Monday 30 August 2021

Friday 20 August 2021

bake off

for the bake-off, I made ice cream my flavor was french vanilla marshmallows my mum said that the marshmallows were very topping  and delicious and my dad said it was the best ice cream he's ever had 

here is a photo of my ice cream see ya


Friday 13 August 2021

maths DLO


Vietnamese spring rolls

hi on Fridays when the year 7s are away we are learning about nutrition and today we made
Vietnamese  spring rolls are similar to normal spring rolls Vietnamese spring rolls are the same but not deep-fried the ingredients to make it is: Thin rice noodle, Butter lettuce, Red cabbage,Carrot, Cucumber, jalapenoGreen onion, cilantro, and mint I hope you like the spring rolls

Thursday 5 August 2021

olympics history

hello for the last couple of weeks our classes topic was the Olympics for the Olympics we were doing history so we had to make a google slide or a site or something and do some research and my favorite fact was how horses got to the Olympics.

Friday 9 July 2021

Lebron James

 hello for this term I was doing a google drawing about Lebron James so I got a bit of facts in the google drawing and took me a while to do but I thought it was quite fun.

Friday 25 June 2021

geothermal energy
hi for the inquiry for the last couple of weeks we have been doing energy and I did a site about geothermal energy and it has taken me most of the day to finish and I learnt that geothermal energy comes from the outer core and is mostly just steam.

Thursday 24 June 2021

octopus writing

 Hi, today I am giving you an introduction about octopuses because our class has been researching octopi. An octopus has 8 legs and 9 brains each brain is in a tentacle and it has 1 in its head and it has 3 hearts and an octopus's blood is blue and some octopus has poisonous ink the most poisonous octopus in the world in the world is a blue-ringed octopus. 

most octopuses live up to 2 years as a male because after the female and the male mate the female eats the male octopus because she is hungry. octopus live in kelp forests and coral reefs. octopi prefer warm water so they live in the sunlight zone. they also live in tidal rock pools, where they can easily disguise themselves in rocks and so they can catch their prey.

there are some predators of octopi like seals, fish, conger eels, sea otters, moray eels, dolphins, many birds, sperm whales, and sharks. octopi feed on crabs, clams, sea snails, small fish, and other octopuses. there are 300 different species of octopus-like mimic octopus, coconut octopus, blanket octopus, and California two-spot octopus.

some species of octopus are rearer than other different species that live in different environments such as the pressure as you can get deep there are other types of octopi. octopuses have venom and different octopus have different levels of toxicity which means they can kill their prey easily.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

10 great walks

hey, today for literacy we were doing 10 great walks of NZ and I was doing with Keil and Taj.

Friday 11 June 2021

pastel sport Art.


this is my pastel sport art and I did one of surfing Thanks bye.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Tuesday 13 April 2021

kenning poem






Hello, today we were doing kenning poems can you guess what mine is about.



Friday 9 April 2021

Oil spills


hello Today we were learning about Oil spills while the year 7 and 8s were away so I decided to do a boat bye.

Thursday 1 April 2021

model of My school with solar panels

hello Today I was doing a model of the school with solar panels for T shaped literacy watch The video to see it thanks for watching bye

Thursday 25 March 2021

persevere writing

 dear Tania Gibson. 

I think we should have a trampoline park in Greymouth because it will give

The town something to do and it might attract more people to Greymouth and there could be lessons for people that are bad on trampolines and most of the money can go to the council to get more fun stuff for Greymouth.

you will get heaps of money out of it because people have been wanting one for ages and then we won't have to travel somewhere to go to one and there is lots of land to build it on.

There could be foam pits, dodge ball, heaps of tramp and a parkour part and there could be food and water to keep The people entertained and definitely toilets. 

today we were doing persuasive writing I was doing persuasive writing about a trampoline park in Greymouth. The End sensorily by Tane.


Thursday 4 March 2021

why we should get a rock climbing wall at school

 we should get an indoor rock climbing wall at school. because there would be something to do on rainy days.  there could be a junior one and a senior one everyone will love it and if anybody falls they will be wearing a harness so they will be safe and that's why we should get an indoor rock climbing wall at school.

six60 concert

this is the six60 concert i was at

Wednesday 3 March 2021

pool of knowledge

this is my pool of knowledge

Friday 26 February 2021