Monday 6 December 2021

voyage food list


for the last 2 weeks, we have been teaching takutai how to blog and  sighing them up to mania Kalani  today we did a blog post of the voyage and we had to make a food list for 3 weeks

Friday 19 November 2021

Friday 29 October 2021

my fish


for a cyber smart challenge, we had to make fish how we made it was you had to collect your shapes and put them together collor them remove the lines and group it I thought it was quite easy and I would definitely recommend doing it  again

my fish

for a cyber smart challenge, we had to make fish how we made it was you had to collect your shapes and put them together collor them remove the lines and group it I thought it was quite easy and I would recommend doing it again

my home made muesli

 Honey, dairy-free yogurt, oats, almonds, almond milk, blueberries, cranberries, chia seeds, and sesame seeds.

hi today we tried some of our teacher muesli so we had to make our own muesli

my muesli ingredients up above

Miss Farr's homemade muesli

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Epitaph Poems

 jody mody ate a big bogey

then she turned green 

and pood a big bogey

but it was actually all her guts

Hody Cody had too many kids 

so her house was a mess 

then she ate too much

pigs Now she dead

for this week we are learning about poetry yesterday we did acrostic poems Epitaph poems are usually used on grave stones and tell people how they died.